The British magazine The Economist has published a top 10 of the safest cities in the world for the fourth time. The study looked at health care, infrastructure, technology and personal safety across 60 cities worldwide.


More than four billion people worldwide live in cities and in the past two years that number has increased by 150 million, especially in developing countries. With this in mind, a team of experts looked at how safe urban centers are in terms of cyber safety, access to health care, a good urban environment, how likely people are to become victims of crime and how safe the city’s infrastructure is . The analysts also look at whether the city is preparing for the future to make and keep the city more liveable.

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The last list was compiled in 2019, when Tokyo was still number one, followed by Singapore and Osaka. The reason why these cities are suddenly a lot lower on the list is partly a guess. It could be that the Covid death numbers have something to do with it as they have been included in the data analysis since 2021. Amsterdam also dropped from 5 to 6 in the ranking, but still performs very well worldwide.

These are the 10 safest cities in the world:

  1. Copenhagen
  2. Toronto
  3. Singapore
  4. Sydney
  5. Tokyo
  6. Amsterdam
  7. Wellington
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Melbourne
  10. Stockholm

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